Interviews about Physics

Interviews about cosmology, astrophysics, electricity, energy, forces, gravity, light and maths...

18 November 2019

Using ultrasound to move a tiny illuminated ball pixel creates a 3D visual effect...

18 November 2019

As good as silicon, but a fraction of the weight and price...

12 November 2019

So why do hearing tests routinely omit them?

30 October 2019

How do UK universities treat their early-career group leaders?

29 October 2019

It converts carbon dioxide into syngas, and could help with climate change...

22 October 2019

How do you make a nano-guitar?

15 October 2019

We chat to xkcd author Randall Monroe!

15 October 2019

What was the 2019 Nobel Prize for Physics all about?

01 October 2019

What is Jessica Meir getting up to in orbit?

01 October 2019

A satellite launching in 2026 to measure far-infrared energy for the first time...

24 September 2019

What makes stained glass stained?

24 September 2019

What is the stuff in our windows?

17 September 2019

And how do we keep modern technologies secure today?

17 September 2019

Back with Elizabeth Bruton at the Science Museum in London…

17 September 2019

Numberphile's James Grime explains...

17 September 2019

One of the world's most famous codes, and how it was broken...

17 September 2019

It's orbiting a distant star and it's covered in clouds...

10 September 2019

Bobby Seagull talks about his new book...

10 September 2019

Take a look at our science QnA panel who are taking on your questions...

03 September 2019

What happens when a black hole collides with a neutron star?

03 September 2019

What's getting between us and the rovers on Mars?

20 August 2019

Something ten times the size of the Earth slammed into the gas giant in early history, changing Jupiter's core

06 August 2019

Taking the electron for a spin...